Tuesday 1 December 2015

Moses Jeff's Blog: HE IS MY SON

Moses Jeff's Blog: HE IS MY SON


I have a story I really want to share for possible solutions.
A certain man had lived his whole life with his wife, happily married and enjoying marital bliss, one of which is childbearing.
He had three sons and two daughters, the boy happened to be the first born. He was sent to school and after many years of academic excellence he now have his master degree in Human psychology.
Nature have been generous to this young man, and he is really doing well in his early 30s. 
Like the father said "he is my pride, because he has really been acting like a son in my home"
The nemesis:
One lovely afternoon a man and his friend came visiting, they were warmly received by the father of the house as this is every African family's tradition. "During the period of entertaining my unknown guests, I noticed that my wife's countenance became dull, I could sense trouble on her face but I chose to ignore hoping I would ask her later" says the father.
Then the young men introduced themselves and mentioned the reason for the sudden visit, he said "I am very sorry for coming up with this issue, I had found it so difficult but I just have to do it".
"No problem, continue" the father said.
The man went on by saying "I am the father of that boy(Raphael) you call your son.
The father looked for his wife at that instant but the woman was no where to be found.
Now the father(Austin) is asking; what can I do now?
Mr. Austin needs your help, advice him on what to do, thank you