Sunday 5 June 2016


This is one big question everyone ponders about, it's one of the question that many really don't get answers to as a result of it's enormousnes, but today I will be shedding light on this simple but complex question as inspired.
Firstly, you've got to know who you're, where you're from, your purpose of existence, your ultimate goal, where you are, where you should be and where you'll be going after all.

I put it to you today, you're the only unique person in the universe. The very first and original copy of any human being that have ever existed on planet earth.
There's this uniqueness in you which can not be copied or seen else where. If it is not you then, it is not you. What I mean by that is simply put as, the deposits in you, the characters you exhibits, your kind of person, your personality can never be found in anyone else. So, you're a unique entity.

Your finger print for instance is your genuine identity and no two human finger prints on earth are the same. That is a proof of your uniqueness and a fact to understand the truth that you're the original copy of the only human being existing on earth. So, when you walk on the streets, drive in your car, fly in the airplane, know that you're alone ( no one like you) and all in one, with your head raised high you must understand who you're.

You're a unique being encoded with a particular responsibility that no other can carry out. If it is not you then it can't be you. No room for intimidations, if they don't understand you that is because you carry what they don't have. If they don't want to associate with you then, it's their loss because they can never get anyone like you.

Life on earth doesn't just begin here, it's more like a journey towards perfection. You've got to crawl through all the stages to build your inner man. Before you came into existence in the physical form, there was the celestial half of you that have always been there just waiting for the right moments and events to coincide for you to come into being.

Your soul was in the heavenly with God waiting to be fused with a body, the body only comes into existence in the womb after fertilization but there is more to just a foetus because a soul destined for that occurrence is injected immediately into the foetus and it becomes life and then your journey kicks off again in another realm of life (planet earth).

Never live your life carelessly, not considering what goes into the body be it food, drugs etc or what comes out of the body especially your words. You must live with the consciousness that you're not just a human being but a soul that came directly from God in the heavenly. So, you must live your life to please your Creator in all things knowing that you owe your existence to Him. You're from above and whoever is from above is above all.

To everyone that lives on earth there is a specific mission attached to that person. As you're reading this text right now I guess you're operating in your place of destiny if not, then you've got to find out what you were meant to do and to be. "The richest place on earth is the cemetery" - Myles Munroe. That is purely true because millions of people die without knowing the purpose of their existence. The grave/cemetery is filled with great inventors, business men/women, great leaders, ministers of the Gospel, mentors, destiny helpers and lots more who never were able to understand their purpose of living.

You must know that you're here for a reason which no one might be able to tell you except your Creator speaks through them because He alone knows it all and He's God.
Maybe you're having problems finding your place don't worry, I've got it covered in my previous publishes. (Inferiority complex and try something different) read those posts and get more enlightenment about this issue.

To everyone on earth there is an ultimate goal designed for him to achieve. Amongst all those goals the most important is your impact on humanity. Everyman/woman was born to serve God and humanity irrespective of where they are or what they do, so if what you're doing is not in anyway pleasing to God and humanity, then you should know that you're way off your ultimate goal. Readdress what you're doing and make sure you are operating from your place of destiny.

Most of us really don't understand how sensitive this question is. Where you're now have a huge role to play as to where you needed to be. What you do with and in your present location will determine your next location. You've got to make do of your present location very wisely, mingle with people of common interest with you, your mode of communication must be inspiring, the words you absorb into you system definitely makes you.
Great men and women are made by words. So, that place you're should be used as a leverage to your next level. Make do of your present location wisely. If where you're is no way in conformity with whom you were meant to be, don't hesitate to change your location.

We all hope for a better place in life. No matter who you are there is always a higher height to reach for. This is one big issue with mankind as man just can't satisfy his own desires. This is so because most of us operates from the very wrong spot in life. Once you're not in your place of destiny, no matter what you do you can never be satisfied because it is a wrong spot. So, it's a prudent thing to do for one to find that place he/she should be and reach for it with all diligence, determination and the fear of the Almighty.

As a living being you must bear it in mind that one day this breath you're enjoying now will seize. The big question is, where will you go after all these hustle and tussle on planet earth?
Remember at the beginning I mentioned where we came from, just like we came that's how we will return. You don't have control over that other realm of life but you do have control over this one your are right now. What you do here determines where you'll go and how it will look like. The life you enjoy here was given to make you a better person and to attain perfection, working and walking in your place of destiny has a long way to go in determining where you'll end up in life. Many destinies are tied to you as you live, you need to find your place of destiny and redeem those destinies that are interconnected with you because if you fail, millions of people will fail. Don't forget your soul will be held accountable to for those failures. So, do not fail to fulfill God's ultimate purpose for your life.

Find your place on earth and leave a legacy, let your foot print be on gold not just the sand of time.
People should be inspired by your presence, let them enjoy motivation once they're around you.
We must learn to live our lives to the fullest irrespective of what we see or hear, do not deter because the best is yet to come.

Thank you for reading...much love from Jeff