Wednesday 1 February 2017

Recipe For Success

Everyone knows that the path to success is littered with failure land mines and we won't avoid them all. In fact, winning is that much sweeter when you can look back at the seemingly insurmountable odds you faced on the journey. If you aren't failing at least a little bit, then you may not be trying hard enough.

There are three simple methodologies that can be learned and passed along to our teams in order to face failure with strength and resilience, learn from mistakes and ultimately win.

Build Mental Fortitude

A strong mind is a crucial part of developing a winner's mindset. All great leaders learn to develop their emotional intelligence, manage fear and be the positive voice of reason during chaotic times. 

Resilience is the key component to developing mental fortitude. By taking calculated risks and allowing failure to happen we provide pivotal learning opportunities from which we grow.

When we desperately try to avoid failure we can quickly confine ourselves to a prison of mediocrity with little to no hope of parole. Failure isn't the opposite of success but a crucial stepping stone to it.

The mind, like any muscle in our bodies can be developed, strengthened and transformed into the most important tool in our success toolbox. But mental fortitude comes with a price.

Mental fortitude comes from welcoming the inevitable obstacles and resulting pain and then channeling those experiences into positive growth.

Eat Challenges for Breakfast

The recipe for success isn't a mystery though many books out there like to paint it as one. As Colin Powell once said, "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure."

The one problem with getting things right is that it can be difficult to measure where you got things completely right and where you may have made mistakes that are simply overshadowed by the "win".

Instead of referring to missing the mark as failure, we should label it as learning. That said, if we aren't making adjustments for improvement we will make the same mistakes over and over. Then it should be referred to as failure. But if we are afraid of failure we will be paralyzed when it comes to making decisions and moving forward.

We have to eat the challenges that face us for breakfast. The more we do the less significant similar challenges we will face will seem.

Embrace the Constraints

Constraints give us and our teams the opportunity to think creatively and be more resourceful than we may normally be. Constraints come in many forms and it's not just about asking the team to do more with less. Constraints can be an amazing blessing allowing us to think bigger and develop solutions that can lead to immense scalability.

I know and have met many veterans who have come home with severely debilitating injuries. The journey isn't easy but they generally maintain the warrior's mindset and refuse to allow those constraints to ruin their lives. Quite the contrary. They embrace their new limitations and find a new path to fulfillment with the only regret being that they can no longer serve in the same capacity they once could.

Practice these three methodologies and empower your team to do the same. Strength and positivity will soon follow. As will growth!
Much love from Jeff...😘😘😘