Thursday 7 September 2017

The Misplaced Identity

Once upon a time, a hunter caught a cub that went strayed of his parent, "it is a wide beast yet so tender" the hunter said to himself. For the passion and fun attached hurriedly he took the little cub home making sure that no traces were left for the lioness to follow, he named the cub "kitty" after his beloved dead cat they started living together in the village.

The hunter has a herd and every time he's going out to herd his herd kitty must follow, gradually kitty the young cub started acting like the sheep and goats, rams and cattle...he saw those herds as his brother and sisters and for the fact that the herds don't feed on flesh kitty started eating grasses and behaving as he belongs there.

Now and then when grazing, there came a lion on the other side of the river which separates them from the main jungle and roars and the whole herd will take to their heels including kitty, they'll run to safety and this happened so many times.

One day at the grazing area kitty went up alone to the river to take a sip of water after consuming so many vegetables. Whilst he was drinking he saw the reflection of himself in the water, "wait, is this me?" Kitty said to himself, why do I look like that big guy who always roars at us?

And as he was pondering without clear answers, there came again the big guy (the lion) who also wants to take a sip of water from that same river but from the other side, the lion saw the herds from afar and roared (probably he was just saying, don't come close to my river), he roared but kitty stood his, I ain't running anymore he said to himself, that guy looks exactly like me...the lion roared again and the whole flock fled save Kitty.

Kitty looked at the big guy from the other side and mimicked his roaring skill and for the first time, kitty ROARED. And immediately he roared the herdsman knew he had lost kitty forever.

Then courageously he ran across the river to meet up with the big guy and without saying goodbye he entered the jungle which was his original home.

That's how it is with most people, sometimes we lose our identity to sin and satan, and not until we can realign with our real habitat we'll continue to lack supplies just like Kitty. Not until we discover who we are in Christ we'll continue to walk in obscurity. Not until we stand up against those ugly situations just like kitty did we'll not be able to enter into our rest. Make that move and never look back just as kitty did, you owe no man no apology, step out of your shadow and roar, soar and conquer. 

There is a giant in you, there's a lion in you...face those challenges with great courage because God is your strength and you will shout victory in no distant time.
Stay Blessed and empowered

Much love from Jeff...😘😘😘