Monday 11 April 2016


There once lived a man, a great farmer who met all the needs of his family with the very sweat of his labour. He had acres of lands scattered round their town, he was also rewarded for his hard bodily labour with two sons and daughters.
One day, having fed well he called his lawyer and decided to put down his will unknowing to everyone including Mr. Dozie the farmer that the cold hand of death lies await.
One faithful morning, the cock crowed, and from the East the sun began to show its lovely face and colourful radiance. Everyone in the house started wondering why their father must have woken up so early ( as that is his usual habit) and left for the farm without anyone's consent, "maybe papa forgot something in the farm" Ada the eldest sister said. Hurry up everyone we have to meet him up there Ejike the eldest son ordered. Chima! don't forget the seedlings, make sure you arrange with Mr. Okafor as the eggs are ready for him to pick up. Mrs Dozie instructed his younger son. Chi my daughter, please go to your father's room and check just in case he forgot the pesticide again, yes ma, she replied their mother.
She rushed to the room as they were almost going late to the farm, and swiftly opened the door and said, "ah papa you're still in bed? Chidera asked her father, but the silence was unusual. She took more steps closely to the bed and tried to wake her father up but it was a cold and unexpected feeling she got.
She called out "Ejike please come, I don't understand what is happening here" he rushed in only to see their father lying cold. He shouted, screamed and Mrs Dozie who was all set for the farm threw down her bowl and rushed to the room only to see her beloved lying lifeless.
Neighbours began to rush into Mr Dozie's compound as they couldn't bear the shouts emanating from the Dozie's house. Somebody hold her please, one of the neighbours shouted. It was a day of peril, pains and disorderliness. A day everyone knew will come but never expected it so soon.
The family was consoled by friends, neighbours, loved ones, well wishers and family, every arrangement was made and Mr Dozie was given a befitting burial rite.
After some days, the lawyer Barr Agu called the two sons to show them their late father's will...
Thanks for reading, Look out for part 2 ( the main story)

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Moses Jeff's Blog: HE IS MY SON

Moses Jeff's Blog: HE IS MY SON


I have a story I really want to share for possible solutions.
A certain man had lived his whole life with his wife, happily married and enjoying marital bliss, one of which is childbearing.
He had three sons and two daughters, the boy happened to be the first born. He was sent to school and after many years of academic excellence he now have his master degree in Human psychology.
Nature have been generous to this young man, and he is really doing well in his early 30s. 
Like the father said "he is my pride, because he has really been acting like a son in my home"
The nemesis:
One lovely afternoon a man and his friend came visiting, they were warmly received by the father of the house as this is every African family's tradition. "During the period of entertaining my unknown guests, I noticed that my wife's countenance became dull, I could sense trouble on her face but I chose to ignore hoping I would ask her later" says the father.
Then the young men introduced themselves and mentioned the reason for the sudden visit, he said "I am very sorry for coming up with this issue, I had found it so difficult but I just have to do it".
"No problem, continue" the father said.
The man went on by saying "I am the father of that boy(Raphael) you call your son.
The father looked for his wife at that instant but the woman was no where to be found.
Now the father(Austin) is asking; what can I do now?
Mr. Austin needs your help, advice him on what to do, thank you 

Sunday 15 November 2015

Moses Jeff's Blog: THE WORLD AS IT IS (PT1)

Moses Jeff's Blog: THE WORLD AS IT IS (PT1)


Everywhere I turn on the internet it's about France and the tragic event that took place a couple of days back, now, even as I'm concerned I'm too worried about the whole situation. For instance , in my country Nigeria tens of thousands died and more are still dying as a result of this same terrorist attacks but no one talked about it, what about Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Israel, Damascus etc
Even as I'm concerned I'm also worried about the whole issue. Where have this solidarity been? Where have this unionism be? Where is the world facing?
I really think this word is on the wrong tracks, peddled by the wrong people.
Conclusively, if the word must conquer terrorism then we must be united irrespective of our races, political sentiments must be abolished, supremacy & superiority must be forsaken, if not, I can assure you that the world is headed towards the great doom.
The world must fix the world or just allow the prophecies of the end of times to happen in our generation.
Thank you for reading 

Thursday 24 September 2015

Moses Jeff's Blog: A WISE COUNSEL

Moses Jeff's Blog: A WISE COUNSEL


Story time:
A father left 17 Camels as assets for his 3 sons. When the father passed away, his sons opened up the will. The will stated that the eldest son should get half of the 17 Camels, the second son should be given 1/3rd of the 17 Camels, and the youngest son should be given 1/9th of the 17 Camels. As it is not possible to divide 17 into half, or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9, d sons started to fight with each other. So, they decided to go to a wise man. The wise man listened patiently to the will and after giving it a thought, he decided to add one of his own camel to theirs which brought the total number of camels18.
Now, he started reading the deceased will;

Half of 18=9
So,he gave 9 Camels to the eldest son. 

1/3rd of 18 =6.
So,he gave 6 Camels to the middle son. 

1/9th of 18=2.
So, he gave 2 Camels to the youngest son. 

Now add this up:
And this leaves 1 Camel, which the wise man took back. 

The attitude of negotiation &  problem solving is to find the common ground. Always believe that there is a solution. No matter what the issue is, there is always a solution, just turn to wise counsel, listen and obey them, I guarantee you a happy ending.

Thursday 10 September 2015


Every man-made stuff serves a purpose, the more purposeful it is to society the more its level of demand and consumption. Man-made goods are awesome as they serve a unique purpose for the existence of man.
Over the centuries things have metamorphosed a great deal, our lives are now easier to live still very complex. Machines have been introduced to spice up our living, I see airplanes flying over my head every day, distance is no longer a barrier it has been conquered many years ago.
Our telephones are now more unique than ever, soon it will be the era of teleporting (...can't wait to see that). Man, in all these years has made so many types of equipment with which he had forced the natural environment against its will just to suit the human existence even as most of these inventions degrades their very planet of existence.

This same idea applies to us humans, man was designed for a unique particular purpose so, not until one finds out the very reason for his existence he is just living in the SHADOW OF HIMSELF.
Life is so tempting, most times we feel so comfortable with our present positions even as it's not the very position we were supposed to be. Sometimes you feel the need for relocation, a push to try something else, you just want to leave where you are right that minute but, the courage and boldness to do so is always lacking.
Trust me, not until you find the bull's eye you will never feel satisfied. But when you do, many other things will follow.
The search for the real you is more important than anything you can think of because this is the only place you can fulfill your destiny without sweat and struggle and be satisfied and accomplished.
In life's adventure, our first deliberate voyage is our search for PURPOSE.
Find yours today