Thursday 3 November 2016

Obama Invites Cubs To Celebrate World Series Win at White House

Chicago Cubs players celebrate after winning the 2016 World Series. (Charles LeClaire/USA Today Sports)
The Chicago Cubs won the World Series early Thursday morning, defeating the Cleveland Indians 8-7 in 10 innings in Game 7 to end its 108-year title drought. And politicians out on the campaign trail paused to acknowledge the Cubbies’ historic victory.
President Barack Obama, a Chicago native and noted White Sox fan, took to Twitter to congratulate the team and invite them to the White House before he leaves office.

Hillary Clinton, the Chicago-born Democratic nominee and self-described lifelong Cubs fan, caught the end of the game after her rally at Arizona State University.
According to a pool report, Clinton — who watched the Cubs clinch a spot in the World Series on her campaign plane — saw the final out “on an iPad tethered to an aide’s phone live-streaming via Slingbox.”
“Her staff, including super-Cubs-fan and fellow Chicago-area native Connolly Keigher paced around nervously as the game went into the bottom of the tenth,” the pool report reads. “When the third out came, Connolly flew the W via a flag she had in her purse just for the occasion. She and HRC held it up in celebration.”
Like his fellow Chicagoans, former Obama adviser David Axelrod was on pins and needles during the game, too.

After the win, Axelrod, who guided Obama to consecutive election victories, already had his eye on next season.

The Cubs, though, have a connection to Republican politics through its owners, the Ricketts family.
In September, Joe Ricketts, son of Cubs owner Tom Ricketts, donated $1 million to a super-PAC supporting the GOP nominee, Donald Trump. (The superPAC, Future45, released a series of Spanish-language ads urging Latino voters to think twice about voting for Clinton.)
Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, congratulated the Cubs and the Ricketts on Twitter and predicted another kind of comeback next week.

Predictably, there were no congratulatory tweets from Trump himself. During the Republican primary, the Ricketts family gave nearly $6 million to an anti-Trump super PAC, prompting this tweet from the brash real estate mogul.

As for that Election Day “miracle,” the Cubs have given Trump some reason for hope. After falling behind the Indians 3 games to 1, gave the Cubs a 15 percent chance of winning the World Series — a smaller chance than the site’s election forecast model gave Trump to win the White House.
According to its latest forecast, Trump now has a 33 percent chance of a winning the election — or double the chances it had given to the Cubs.

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