Friday 9 September 2016


From all indications it is obvious that life is in phases, stages and in a systematically well arranged sequence for every individual. This means that life is in varieties.
Each and everyone of us was programmed to follow a definite path, we all have our unique path and routes naturally. But as humans most times we tend to be competitive and comparative, seeing others around our neighborhood excel more than we do, not knowing the fact that we all have different timelines, different destined locations, different natural occupational places and lots more.
The most important thing is for us to find the right tracks, get set for the collision of the season and time, we must be prepared to take our lives to the next phase, but all these comes with the price of waiting, studying, experimenting, gathering of the required experiences, information, knowledge and right application of both which is wisdom.
The get rich quick syndrome must be abolished for our society through the renewal of our minds knowing that success is tied to work. Even the Scriptures says "I will bless the works of your hands" in other words, to achieve long lasting success /wealth you must be engaged in constructive works. The law of use must be put into practice.
Having discovered the fact that all humans are programmed with different timelines, you must patiently wait for your time to come while you put in place the necessary ingredients required to sustain the success you'll be exposed to. Such as a loving heart, charitable characters, a bridled tongue, neatness, genuine love for God, taking responsibilities and making amends where faulty, a peaceful lifestyle, etc.
Just be a role model to others. Live a life that others can lookup to and someday nature is going to smile at you, everything will respond to you because God will find you worthy of His blessings.
Take this from me:
When it seems the road is so narrow, like there's not gonna be light at the end of the tunnel, just lift your head high and say help will come when the time is right. Trust me, your time could be now or just at the corner. Do not give up and don't give-in to evil thoughts because the darkest part of the night marks the dawn of a new day.

Much love from Jeff... ♥ ♥ 😘

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