Sunday 4 September 2016


For any country to have a strong DEMOCRACY there must be a strong political party in power with the strong will of encouraging the rule of law, enhancing economic growth, stabilizing the county's economy with the strong will of pulling the masses along.
On the other hand, there must be a strong political party for OPPOSITION.
Considering the nature of the Nigerian political parties, it is obvious that both the party in power (APC) and the supposed opposition party (PDP) are both shying away from their responsibilities.
For the #PDP it's more like a deliberate act knowing that the #APC is clueless for now on how to run the affairs of this country and they'll be glad to see the APC fail so as to reclaim their position in the next GENERAL ELECTIONS.
But is this how it's supposed to be done? How long will the masses suffer hoping to see the #CHANGE they were promised? The destiny of this NATION must not be toyed with. The #PDP must come out strong with constructive criticism on how they managed to take the country's economy to the forefront in AFRICA. How they handled health issues like the #POLIO for years and when Nigeria was on the verge of being declared polio free, the whole thing came down crumbling. The #PDP must prove to Nigerians that they have the interest of this country at heart. The #APC must step up their game and be ready to take constructive criticism from both the opposing party and the masses at large.
We as a nation must wake up to the fact that NIGERIA is our own to build. We must all criticise constructively instead of fighting ourselves, showing disrespectful acts and speaking guile words always about those in power.
If Nigerians finds any of them wanting, they should recall and impeach them. We must grow up.

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