Sunday 30 October 2016

The America Elections And The Tension

Hillary Clinton’s campaign fanned out across the Sunday morning talk-show circuit to call on FBI Director James Comey to release more details about newly discovered emails he said were “pertinent” to the bureau’s investigation into her use of a private email server.
“As far as we know now, Director Comey knows nothing about the content of these emails,” Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s running mate, said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.” “We don’t know whether they’re to or from Hillary at all.”
Kaine called Comey’s decision to send a letter to Congress Friday announcing a review of the emails — discovered on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation into his alleged sexting with a 15-year-old girl — “extremely puzzling.”
“Why would you release information that is so incomplete when you haven’t even seen the material yourself?” Kaine asked. “Eleven days before an election — why would you talk about an ongoing investigation? I just have no way of understanding these actions. They’re completely unprecedented. And that’s why I think he owes the American public more information.”
“If he hasn’t seen the emails,” Kaine added. “I mean, they need to make that completely plain.”
Yahoo News reported on Saturday that FBI agents had not been able to review any of the newly discovered material because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them.
According to ABC News, Comey reached out to top Republicans and Democrats in Congress on Saturday to brief them on the agency’s review.
But as of Saturday night, the FBI was still in talks with the Justice Department about obtaining a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered emails, and therefore the agency was still in the dark about whether the emails include classified material the bureau has not already seen.
On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta cited the Yahoo News report, saying Comey “should have taken further steps” before thrusting the email issue back into the race for the White House.
“To throw this in the middle of the campaign 11 days out just seemed to break with precedent and be inappropriate at this stage,” Podesta said. “If they’re not significant, they’re not significant. So he might have taken the first step of actually having looked at them before he did this in the middle of a presidential campaign so close to the voting.
“I don’t fault him for taking a look at whatever he’s found,” Podesta continued. “But at this stage, having taken the step, then he at least ought to explain if he thinks they’re significant or not significant. Let him come forward and say why.”
“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information,” Comey said at that time, “there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
Podesta said he believed Abedin, who had cooperated with the FBI’s original probe, had “complied to the best of her ability” and “turned everything over that she had in her possession.”
On NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said if the newly discovered emails are, in fact, from Abedin, then he assumes “they’d have to be redundant because she already turned over all of her emails.”
At a rally in Florida on Saturday, Clinton said that it was “pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election.”
“It’s not just strange,” Clinton said. “It’s unprecedented. And it is deeply troubling.”

Tips To Survive The Economic Recession (pt2)

Hello, welcome back...
Without mincing words I'll go straight to the business of today which is the continuation of the part one of this article "Tips to survive the economic recession" if you missed the part one please endeavor to read it...very insightful.
Straight to the tips

4. Don't expect so much:
Economic recession affects every part of a country's economy and that in turn affects everyone in that country directly or indirectly, so as a person you shouldn't be expecting so much from friends and relatives, it won't be business as usual. Lending and giving power will drop drastically, those you're looking up to have just enough to barely take care of themselves and family.
Now, you've got to be more creative and get busy with your hands. Do something marketable, be diverse in your thoughts and start up a business to take care of your immediate needs instead of waiting for someone to sort your financial issues out for you.
Don't expect so much, get busy with your hands, be creative now than ever and add value to yourself and the economy.

5. Track your expenditures:
Put your daily income and expenses into perspective to eliminate excess spending.
Your income rate should in turn determine your spending rate. There must be a balanced synergy between the two.
There are mobile applications like mint and Google budget that you can use to track your daily finances or a simple ledger capturing your income and spending will be beneficial.

Instead of spending more we should actually save more now. This is not the time to change your cushions knowing that your financial power is not strong enough. Use them like that this Christmas and save your self the shame of not having moneys left for feeding yourself and your family.

6. Invest in your country:
For those that still have the financial power of going for holidays and buying some luxurious stuffs, why not do that within the country? Each time you go abroad for vacations you're only exporting your country's wealth and importing poverty. This is the time we look inwards and invest in our country, patronise home made goods, use our local airlines, enjoy your holidays back home, the honeymoon will be tastier here.
This is not the time to export the country's wealth, do your part to reverse the economic recession.
Invest in shares, experts says "stock prices fall during slowdowns, invest in stock whose performance is minimally affected by upward or downward movements in the economy".

For possible heads up you can leave a message here or reach us at we'll be glad to be of a service.

Please do well to hit the like button, leave your comments, subscribe and share...
God bless you.

Much love from Jeff...😘😘

Tips To Survive The Economic Recession (pt 1)

It is very obvious that all countries in the world are experiencing a hitch in economic matters. The economic recessions and retrogressions are not characteristics for a particular country or state, it is evidently a worldwide issue that needs proper attention and the political will power of those in decisions making offices.
I can say here categorically that this recession might last longer than we anticipated, it is therefore our shear responsibility to make the best out of this economic downturns. That is why I'll be sharing these tips on how to survive this period with little or no stress.
Here comes the tips

1. Get Your Priorities Right:
This as a matter of fact is really a big task for most people except those that have mastered the act. Picking in between multiple choices with limited resources is pretty tasking, especially when almost all of the available options are your basic necessities but the resources are limited. 
Here you've got to select the most needed from the needed, not the most eye-catching, not the most flashy or that which is for a show. Get your priorities right go for those things you can't do without.
Save yourself of the mess don't buy what is not needed at this time.

2. Diversify Your Source Of Income:
It's high time we look beyond the one portfolio style of life. Every good economist will always suggest the need for a person or government to look deeper into other means of making more money or raising revenues. This is inevitable in a time as this. 
That skill you've acquired sometimes past that have really be dormant you need to reactivate it and make it a marketable product. 
Your hobbies can be converted into income generating product. Trust me, you just need to give it a try.
You learnt bead making but you haven't given it a try, why not try it now? 
You travel a lot? Why not start writing about the places you've visited? Share the knowledge and the experience in return you make some extra cash from there.
There are loads of ways one can actually diversify, just sought yours out and you'll thank me later.

(For guidiance, ideas and possible options please leave a message or get in touch through here or we'll be glad to be of a service)

3. Reduce Your Expenses:
There are habits that most of us possesses that really posses great dangers to our financial life but it's either we are not well informed or aware of the danger they posses or we just don't want to admit those facts. This have affected most people's way of life and distorted their financial lives. Some of which are;
You must learn to reduce what you eat. The quantity of food you consume should be determined by the economic situation. 
Yes, this is a very difficult task but I tell you when you practice this your body will adjust to the system and all will go well thereby enabling you to meet your demands with your limited resources.
Learn to control food wastage, don't boil more than is needed, please.
Some people especially the men have succeeded in drinking their future away through beer taking and the consumption of other forms of liquor. 
For instance if you're a man that drinks let's say two bottles of beer everyday after work, just sit down and calculate the average amount you've consumed this year you'll be shocked. It could even be enough for you to get a piece of land somewhere within the country. 
Why not convert these moneys into ventures that yields dividends?
Jewelries are now too expensive, this is not the time to buy that gold, this is not the time for the human/Brazilian hair, this is not the time for the Armani designers, this is not the time to flirt around. This is the time to be conservative, this is the time to save as much as you can, this is the time to buy stocks, this is the time to be moderate in all things.

This is becoming too lengthy, I guess I'll stop here for now...
There shall be the part two of this article.
Please hit the like button, leave your comments, subscribe and share so we can interact.
God bless you...

Much love from Jeff...😘😘

Monday 24 October 2016

Charly Boy Wants To Lead Revolution Against Corrupt Politicians

Nigerian controversial entertainer, Charly Boy has taken to social media to write to all the ‘frustrated Nigerians’. 
He also went further to reveal himself as the ‘President of Frustrated Nigerians’ announcing he will be leading a revolution group against corrupt politicians in the country.
 “Like my friend Obinna said and I agree with him, henceforth…. “DON’T ASK for a Revolution; Be the Revolution. Forget about Buhari’s Change. Be the Change. Do not wail for that which is troubling this country; Fight to fix it and make the country great again. Do not hail the Corrupt and destroyers of our Dreams; Expose and ridicule them. The Politicians are Corruptly Connected; Criminally Bonded and Fearful of the MOB; The People. We must be audacious in our Demands; we must be Fearless in our Agitation and we must be ready to sacrifice our all for this Country.
 ”I will take the First Bullet; let my body be the first to drop; Let my Blood be the first to wash our LANDS. But let no Nigeria turn back once we begin this Resistance to Political Insensitivity and mindless looting of our common wealth; Let no Nigerian Walk Alone…The Nigerian Politician is our Enemy; The Nigerian People are the Victim and it is time to channel our anger towards a Peaceful Revolution”. We must stop being the victims and become THE FEAR. If our yeye Leaders no fear us, change no go come. Stay tuned for The Change.
Well, looks like lots of people are in for the new revolution as comments under the post from Area Fada’s followers have been affirmative. Some are even asking when the revolution will start. 

The Nigeria people must stand together to build the country of their dream but anything or movement that will lead to violence must be abolished.

Friday 21 October 2016

Parents Happy As JAMB Stops The Use Of Scratch Cards.

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, 
JAMB, has, in a recent
decision, planned to stop the use of scratch cards for registration and checking of results. Parents in Lokoja however, have applauded the decision of the board saying it will reduce corruption in the system. In separate interviews on Friday, the respondents commended JAMB and the Federal Government for the move. A parent, Mr Amos Ajagun, said: “I support the scrapping of JAMB scratch cards because some of the people that sell the scratch cards cheat the students by selling above the actual cost. ‘“The decision will also reduce fraud and enable parents to access and check the result themselves,’’ Ajagun said. He thanked JAMB and implored the Board not to relent in its efforts to sanitise the education sector. Another parent, Mrs Roseline Ajogun said the decision was favourable to both parents and students alike. “I believe all parents and students alike support the decision to scrap the JAMB scratch card.   It is unfortunate but the truth is that most people who sell the cards are corrupt. “They do not care about how parents or students struggle to get the money; as a parent, I gladly welcome the decision,’’ she said. Ajogun thanked the government and JAMB authorities for the decision and appealed to them to revamp the education sector to guarantee a better future for the country.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Breaking News- Boko Haram Releases 21 Chibok Girls

Borno - At least 21 Chibok girls that were abducted by the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist group have reportedly been released.
According to Sahara Reporters, the girls were released in the early hours of Thursday, October 13.
More than 200 girls were abducted from their schools in Borno state in 2014 by the terrorists and while some of them had reportedly died, the rest remained held by the terror group.
Sources disclosed that the girls were picked up by military helicopter from Banki area of Borno state where Boko Haram militants dropped them off earlier on Thursday.
The release of the 21 girls came as President Buhari began a three-day trip to Germany to discuss assistance for the rebuilding of the northeastern part of Nigeria which has for years been ravaged by Boko Haram.
The names of the girls released were however not disclosed.
Naij said that the girls's release would be "cheering news not only for their parents but also for many Nigerians who day and night have prayed for their safe return".

Monday 3 October 2016

National Assembly Pass Eight (8) Bills To End Nigeria's Recession

– Eight bills that will strengthen Nigeria’s economy have been passed by both Houses of the National Assembly to the president
– “Nigerians will see that this is a people-centred National Assembly,” the Senate President Bukola Saraki has said
As part of strategy to end Nigeria’s economic recession the National Assembly has forwarded a total of eight bills to President Muhammadu Buhari for his assent.
Recall that last week the Senate has offered 21-point resolution to the executive arm of government on how Nigeria can overcome the economic recession in the country.
The statement issued by Yusuph Olaniyonu, the special adviser to the Senate President on media and publicity, on Monday reads in part.
“The bills, which are aimed at strengthening the laws of the federal republic, were considered and passed in a single sitting of the Senate – demonstrating commitment to employing all legislative mechanisms at its disposal to end the current economic recession in the country.
The bills that will be presented to the president soon include the Telecommunication and Postal Offences Act (Amendment) Bill, National Crop Varieties, Livestock Breeds (Registration) Act (Amendment) Bill, Produce (Enforcement of Export Standards) Act (Amendment) Bill, Prevention of Crimes Act (Amendment) Bill, Water Resources Act (Amendment) Bill, National Agricultural Land Development Authority Act (Amendment) Bill, Bee (Import Control and Management) Act (Amendment) Bill and Agricultural and Rural Management Training Act (Amendment) Bill.
By now it is clear that the senators take Nigeria’s economic situation very seriously. If you recall, one of the points from the 21-point resolution passed by the Senate on the economy stated that it would fast-track all economic related bills.
What this Senate has done is match its words with its actions. The eight bills, which are all primarily amendments to existing laws, are aimed at strengthening the enforcement mechanisms in sectors of the economy that can help boost Internally Generated Revenue.
Important highlights of the bills include the amendment to the Telecommunication and Postal Offences Act, which is aimed at increasing some of the prescribed penalties, fines and compensations for non-compliance with the Act. This is intended to help boost investment and participation in the telecommunications sector.
Additionally, the National Crop Varieties, Livestock Breeds (Registration) Act (Amendment) Bill, Produce (Enforcement of Export Standards) Act (Amendment) Bill, National Agricultural Land Development Authority Act (Amendment) Bill, Bee (Import Control and Management) Act (Amendment) Bill, and the Agricultural and Rural Management Training Act (Amendment) Bill are all aimed at bolstering the standards in Nigeria’s Agricultural sector to help the country achieve more economic diversification.”
The Senate President Bukola Saraki has also commented on the process: “Moving forward, Nigerians can expect that the legislature will adopt a united and efficient approach to getting Nigeria’s economy back on track.
We will quickly forward these 8 bills, which have been passed by both Houses of the National Assembly to the president.
This is only a first step and we will continue to work to ensure that at the end of our tenure, Nigerians will see that this is a people-centred National Assembly.”

I believe we can all work this recession out if we all listen to constructive  criticism and also criticize constructively starting from Mr President to the least in our country. All hands must be on deck and we must always pray for our country individually and collectively, we must build the country of our dreams. 
say no to violence! 
Say no to murder!

Much love from Jeff...

Happy Birthday Maro ( Dikonzy)

It's the birth of a new year,  the birth of a new era today in your life.
New years comes with renewed hopes, fired up aspirations, reaffirmation of faith and with a great deal of believes knowing that the ride to today wasn't an easy one. There were situations that plunged you in dark corners yet you rose again to conquered them all.
Could this be true? I heard you say
Surely, you're a legend who has risen to heights irrespective of the storms.
Your hopes and aspirations you have chased with a great deal of focus, with ultimate patience knowing that each phase will unravel as you journey through life.

"oya, dab"
As you celebrate today, it's my earnest desire that all your hopes and aspirations shall come to reality, the people you need in life shall not miss your location.
Greatness shall not depart from you.
Join me to say happy birthday to Esemado Lawrence Maro aka Dikonzy. 
From me and everyone reading this, we say long life and prosperity shall not depart from your household in Jesus Name, amen.

Much love from  Jeff...

Sunday 2 October 2016

My Message To Christians

Take me back to the old Paths when Moms were at home and
Dads were at work. 
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having  children!
Crime did not pay, Hard work did;
And people knew the difference between crime and hard work.

Moms could cook, Dads would work; 
Children would behave...
Husbands were loving, Wives were supportive and children were polite.

Women wore the dresses and Men wore the trousers.
Women looked like ladies, Men looked like gentlemen and children looked decent.

People loved the truth, and hated a lie;
They came to church to get IN, Not to get OUT!

Hymns sounded Godly and Sermons sounded helpful.
Rejoicing sounded normal and crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked and drinking was evil; and divorce was unthinkable.

We read the Bible in public and Prayed in schools.
The era when they preached from house to house to witness, and be called a Christian was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!

Sex was a personal word. Homosexual was an unheard of word, and abortion was an illegal word.

Preachers preached because they had a message; and Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!

Preachers preached from the Bible; 
Singers sang from their hearts.
Sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!

A new birth meant a new life.
Salvation meant a changed life; 
Following Christ led to eternal life.

Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
And being a sinner meant someone was praying for you!

Laws were based on the Bible; 
Homes read the Bible;
And churches taught the Bible.

Preachers were more interested in new converts than new clothes and new cars.

Church was where you found Christians on the Lord's day, rather than in the park,
on the creek bank, on the golf course, or being entertained somewhere else.

Give me that old time religion!
'Tis good enough for me!
 I still like the "Old Paths" best! Jeremiah 6:16.

The church must be awakened from her slumber. The kingdom of heaven must be expanded.
The church must be ready for the coming of her Lord and Master. The glory He left in the church must be preserved and revealed till His coming back.
Be a good ambassador of Christ...

Please forward this message.

Much love from Jeff...

Saturday 1 October 2016

My Message To The Musicians

From time in memorial there's been the saying that music is the food of the soul. Music have really proven to be an integral part of humans, though no one can say for sure the source of music but for me it's one of the few natural occurrences that helps in shaping and calming the human mind. Even an insane person responds to music stimulus. In the Bible David played music for king Saul to calm him when troubled by the posesing demon. 

Just like techs music have stood the test of times, but the trend of it these days make me wanna doubt the efficacy of this God given stuff (music), the devil had seezed and made music his venture these days.
Music was meant to correct the ills of the society, to preach hope, to restore dignity to nations, music is supposed to be the voice of the voiceless, it's supposed to brings hope and genuine excitement.

These days music is like the devil's job, immorality of the highest order, no one musician criticizes the governments constructively these day. Music doesn't point out the ills of the society anymore, it doesn't inspire people anymore. Musick of these day doesn't edify, it doesn't even bring genuine excitement anymore, the response people show to Musick these days could be likened to one who's high on caffeine or something.
It is now an avenue for young ladies to go nude (especially in music videos).

I hereby charge all the musicians around the world to sing hope, correct the flaws in our societies through music, it's not all about money you can be a legend whose music is classic. Leave an indelible footprint. Use your musical talent to glorify your Maker and serve humanity.

Musicians! Be the change you want to see, be the world's heroes and heroines.

Much love from Jeff...

Independence Message To The Nigerian Girl Child

First and foremost I want to say Congratulations and happy 56th independence Day Nigeria.

Considering the present state of the nation many are of the opinion that Nigeria is not worth any form of celebration, but I am of a contrary view (that I'll leave for another topic of discussion) this post mainly is for the female teeming youth in Nigeria and around the world.
Ladies, what value have you added to yourself as a person?
we all are complaining bitterly about the economic trauma in the world today, rumors of wars everywhere, breakdown of the rule of law, the strong and rich oppressing weak and poor, injustice everywhere. But my question to the young ladies is what value have you added to yourself as a person?
I've always thought of the ladies as queens and Angels but from all indications it is obvious that most ladies yawn to go back to the garden Eden as they walk  through the streets naked, what value have you added to yourself as  a person for not covering up your body?
Considering the picture on this post my question is, is that fashion, stupidity or inferiority complex? The level of moral decadance and this persistent indescent mode of dressing in our society today is a product of mental and moral decadance. Ladies no longer have values for themselves and the don't even want to do anything about it. The level of competition between the ladies in our society today is very heartbreaking, whatever they see on another ladies body they want to buy or wear not forgetting that ladie are like fruits with different shapes and sizes. You must consider what fits your body and that which brings out the QUEEN/ANGEL in you.

From statistics gathered over the years, it is obvious that once a young man is attracted to an indescently dressed young lady it is for one reason --just to satisfy his urge and hunger for sex that was imposed by the half-naked lady.
No reasonable young man sticks to a girl who is not ready to be natural and Queenly.
You must learn to add values to yourself, let your dress code speak for you. Take up a resolution "since my country refused to add value to me and itself, I must add values to myself "

Be the change you want to see, with our collective efforts we can better our society.

Happy Independence Day Nigeria, God bless The Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

Much love from Jeff...

Independence Message To The Nigerian Girl Child

First and foremost I want to say Congratulations and happy 56th independence Day Nigeria.

Considering the present state of the nation many are of the opinion that Nigeria is not worth any form of celebration, but I am of a contrary view (that I'll leave for another topic of discussion) this post mainly is for the female teeming youth in Nigeria and around the world.
Ladies, what value have you added to yourself as a person?
we all are complaining bitterly about the economic trauma in the world today, rumors of wars everywhere, breakdown of the rule of law, the strong and rich oppressing weak and poor, injustice everywhere. But my question to the young ladies is what value have you added to yourself as a person?
I've always thought of the ladies as queens and Angels but from all indications it is obvious that most ladies yawn to go back to the garden Eden as they walk  through the streets naked, what value have you added to yourself as  a person for not covering up your body?
Considering the picture on this post my question is, is that fashion, stupidity or inferiority complex? The level of moral decadance and this persistent indescent mode of dressing in our society today is a product of mental and moral decadance. Ladies no longer have values for themselves and the don't even want to do anything about it. The level of competition between the ladies in our society today is very heartbreaking, whatever they see on another ladies body they want to buy or wear not forgetting that ladie are like fruits with different shapes and sizes. You must consider what fits your body and that which brings out the QUEEN/ANGEL in you.

From statistics gathered over the years, it is obvious that once a young man is attracted to an indescently dressed young lady it is for one reason --just to satisfy his urge and hunger for sex that was imposed by the half-naked lady.
No reasonable young man sticks to a girl who is not ready to be natural and Queenly.
You must learn to add values to yourself, let your dress code speak for you. Take up a resolution "since my country refused to add value to me and itself, I must add values to myself "

Be the change you want to see, with our collective efforts we can better our society.

Happy Independence Day Nigeria, God bless The Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

Much love from Jeff...