Saturday 1 October 2016

My Message To The Musicians

From time in memorial there's been the saying that music is the food of the soul. Music have really proven to be an integral part of humans, though no one can say for sure the source of music but for me it's one of the few natural occurrences that helps in shaping and calming the human mind. Even an insane person responds to music stimulus. In the Bible David played music for king Saul to calm him when troubled by the posesing demon. 

Just like techs music have stood the test of times, but the trend of it these days make me wanna doubt the efficacy of this God given stuff (music), the devil had seezed and made music his venture these days.
Music was meant to correct the ills of the society, to preach hope, to restore dignity to nations, music is supposed to be the voice of the voiceless, it's supposed to brings hope and genuine excitement.

These days music is like the devil's job, immorality of the highest order, no one musician criticizes the governments constructively these day. Music doesn't point out the ills of the society anymore, it doesn't inspire people anymore. Musick of these day doesn't edify, it doesn't even bring genuine excitement anymore, the response people show to Musick these days could be likened to one who's high on caffeine or something.
It is now an avenue for young ladies to go nude (especially in music videos).

I hereby charge all the musicians around the world to sing hope, correct the flaws in our societies through music, it's not all about money you can be a legend whose music is classic. Leave an indelible footprint. Use your musical talent to glorify your Maker and serve humanity.

Musicians! Be the change you want to see, be the world's heroes and heroines.

Much love from Jeff...

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