Sunday 30 October 2016

Tips To Survive The Economic Recession (pt 1)

It is very obvious that all countries in the world are experiencing a hitch in economic matters. The economic recessions and retrogressions are not characteristics for a particular country or state, it is evidently a worldwide issue that needs proper attention and the political will power of those in decisions making offices.
I can say here categorically that this recession might last longer than we anticipated, it is therefore our shear responsibility to make the best out of this economic downturns. That is why I'll be sharing these tips on how to survive this period with little or no stress.
Here comes the tips

1. Get Your Priorities Right:
This as a matter of fact is really a big task for most people except those that have mastered the act. Picking in between multiple choices with limited resources is pretty tasking, especially when almost all of the available options are your basic necessities but the resources are limited. 
Here you've got to select the most needed from the needed, not the most eye-catching, not the most flashy or that which is for a show. Get your priorities right go for those things you can't do without.
Save yourself of the mess don't buy what is not needed at this time.

2. Diversify Your Source Of Income:
It's high time we look beyond the one portfolio style of life. Every good economist will always suggest the need for a person or government to look deeper into other means of making more money or raising revenues. This is inevitable in a time as this. 
That skill you've acquired sometimes past that have really be dormant you need to reactivate it and make it a marketable product. 
Your hobbies can be converted into income generating product. Trust me, you just need to give it a try.
You learnt bead making but you haven't given it a try, why not try it now? 
You travel a lot? Why not start writing about the places you've visited? Share the knowledge and the experience in return you make some extra cash from there.
There are loads of ways one can actually diversify, just sought yours out and you'll thank me later.

(For guidiance, ideas and possible options please leave a message or get in touch through here or we'll be glad to be of a service)

3. Reduce Your Expenses:
There are habits that most of us possesses that really posses great dangers to our financial life but it's either we are not well informed or aware of the danger they posses or we just don't want to admit those facts. This have affected most people's way of life and distorted their financial lives. Some of which are;
You must learn to reduce what you eat. The quantity of food you consume should be determined by the economic situation. 
Yes, this is a very difficult task but I tell you when you practice this your body will adjust to the system and all will go well thereby enabling you to meet your demands with your limited resources.
Learn to control food wastage, don't boil more than is needed, please.
Some people especially the men have succeeded in drinking their future away through beer taking and the consumption of other forms of liquor. 
For instance if you're a man that drinks let's say two bottles of beer everyday after work, just sit down and calculate the average amount you've consumed this year you'll be shocked. It could even be enough for you to get a piece of land somewhere within the country. 
Why not convert these moneys into ventures that yields dividends?
Jewelries are now too expensive, this is not the time to buy that gold, this is not the time for the human/Brazilian hair, this is not the time for the Armani designers, this is not the time to flirt around. This is the time to be conservative, this is the time to save as much as you can, this is the time to buy stocks, this is the time to be moderate in all things.

This is becoming too lengthy, I guess I'll stop here for now...
There shall be the part two of this article.
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God bless you...

Much love from Jeff...😘😘

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