Saturday 28 May 2016


This is one very big problem people face every time, the very sense and feeling of not being up to a certain standard or level, the sense of not belonging to a certain group because of what you think you don't have.

Basically, it could be educational, you mught think you lack fluency, you're not pretty or handsome enough, you feel dejected and rejected even before people think so.

This might make one condemn him/her(self) even when those same set of people who you think have class wants to be like you and blend with you. Your senses are ignited to understanding a fact which is not true, a picture that is not real, a statement that is not correct thereby creating a virtual image in your mind that you're worthless.

But inspite of all that, I tell you today that you're uniquely made, designed for a particular purpose that no one on earth can fit into. If you're not around to get that job done, no one can do it perfectly like you would've done it.

Inferiority complex is a big enemy that have deprived many of attaining their heights in life. One thing is certain, every normal hunan being has one head, a pair of hands, a pair of legs, a pair of eyes etc. No matter your geographical location, your age and all of that, we are all human beings. If you cut through our skin the blood that gushes out is red, nobody's got green blood except you're not a human, so, why feel worthless in front of some fellows? 
Why do you think you're not good enough? What makes you feel rejected even before you're rejected? What make you feel you can't work in that establishment? What makes you think you don't have what it takes?
It's the enemy, inferiority complex.

It is obvious today in our society what this great enemy has caused to both males and females to look down on themselves, many dress immorally because they don't trust their body shapes, they've got to go an extra mile in other to attract the opposite gender, they just feel they are not pretty enough so, to conquer that they have to go half naked, but is that the solution?

Firstly, you've got to understand that you're unique in your own way, what you've got is what you need to kick start your life.

Secondly, be optimistic about yourself. You have to inculcate the idea of  if I reach for it, I will get it. Don't always rule yourself off, give it a try and keep trying until you succeed.

Thirdly, respect everyone as much as possible but don't ever let anyone ride you like a horse. If they don't know your worth then it is their loss

Fourthly, learn to listen more than to speak. When you listen very well before you contribute to any form of argument, your contributions will always be better. So, master the art of observing and listening, never rush into arguments to avoid mishaps because when you do, often and often people will then always regard your words as useless and none effective.

Fifthly, desire knowledge. Get books, audio and video tapes, rub mind with great authors and the people who are doing well in their fields. Get their books and other materials, study and get better. Knowledge comes only through studies

Finally, study the scriptures always because there are written words that helps us in building our self confidence. When you know what God's intentions are for you, I believe you wouldn't allow any kind of molestation and inferiority thoughts will be a thing of the past in your life.

Wisdom is the principal thing but in all your getting, get understanding.

Thank you for reading...much love from Jeff💋💋💋

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