Monday 23 May 2016


There comes a time in our lives when the urge to try something new or different tends to weigh us down. The urge of leaving our comfort zones sometimes become real strong that we don't feel the sense of connection to our immediate jobs or businesses, career and the general stuffs of life.
In this situation, the pleasure we derive from our works and everyday activity tends to fade off, there will be a kind of unsatisfied feeling, you just feel like quitting that job, change your business or your business partners, and the rest.
There will be a more pressing demand to move to a higher realm of satisfaction, you just want to try something different. I believe you understand my views. Yes! At one point or the other, every individual feels the need of doing something different or just to do the same thing in a different way, it's a sure feeling and inevitable that is because man was designed to be versatile, restricting man to a particular job following the same routine everyday for weeks, months and years will lead to a loss of appetite, it's natural that one would want to taste something different on the long run.
Yes! This is allowed.
Most of us these days finds ourselves in places that we were not originally designed to function in, but not that we can't function in such places. With little training, practice and perseverance man can function anywhere as long as his mental capability carries it.
But each and everyone of us were designed for a particular purpose and all other things we do aside that original purpose are secondarily. You could excel in those fields of endeavor, make a name for yourself, set up standards and be a mentor or role model to up comings and people around but, If you still feel the need to try something else, something you're always attracted to, something that feels like a part of you and anytime you do it, no matter how short the time was for doing it you feel satisfied, know now that's your true calling.
You might be doing well wherever you are but you're in one of your secondary assignments. 
One of the best way to know that you're not actually operating in your place of destiny is having the feeling of less satisfaction.
You just feel your time and life is being wasted on things that matters less to you and you just want to get to that point of fulfilment and the sense of satisfaction.
If you're actually having this feeling, I dare you to "go left, when nothing goes right" try something different.
Sometimes all we need to be in the right place is a bold step of faith, that one step can change our stories, it can rewrite our actions and put us on the right track of destiny. I dare you to try the NGO, start up that business, lay the foundation of your company, start up the ministry, make new friends, invest in knowledge, go for that seminar, try the business summit, just take a step, every bold step leads to greatness. 
Not everyone has the holy ghost as Christians but everyone has a conscience, christian or not. So if you can't hear Supernatural voices then listen to your conscience and your sense of feeling. Once your conscience condemns or is not satisfied with anything you do, or you don't just feel like it, then don't do it.
Because the more you persist on doing it, the more you feel empty in the inside. So friends! I challenge you today to dare that step.
Dare to make the undareable move today, I bet you you won't regret your action. There is never a convenient time for us but we've got to take that step anyways.
Life is never a bed of roses, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, there is always a higher height to reach out for.
Best of luck as you take this giant stride don't worry, you're covered, God's got your back...
Thanks for reading, much love from Jeff 💋💋

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