Saturday 21 May 2016


From the very onset fear have been a very big challenge to the human race. Man has been limited one way or the other as to what he cam achieve.
Man conceives great ideas every now and then but there is this big enemy called FEAR that tends to pull man down and make him settle within his comfort zone.
The force called fear have fought vigorously with man and have deprived him of attaining the actual height he was supposed to reach.
I have had my share with this enemy times without number, when it's time to do or try something new that's when you remember how you've failed in previous attempts. That's when the pessimistic ideology comes into play on your mind.
This force called fear is soo enormous and it require a great deal of courage to defeat it. It's the opposite of love and for those of us who are Christians it was shown in the scriptures that a place where LOVE resides FEAR is casted away. So, that's a remedy number one, open your heart to love genuinely.
It is written in the scriptures three hundred and sixty five times that we shouldn't be afraid, that is a one don't be afraid every day in a year, because fear is the greatest weapon in the hands of the enemy. "Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless".
There are always some new innovative ideas you have every now and then about your place of work, your relationship, your businesses, your family and your life in general. There are things you have to dare to do, steps that you must take, ideas that you must put to work, things that you need to fix, I know this because I'm in this group too but, having conquered most of my fears and working towards becoming fearless I understand how challenging this is.
It's a great task but, I dare you to do the things you are scared of. 
The difference between an ordinary man and an extraordinary man is just the extra. I dare you to take the extra step today. Make the difference you need in your life today. 
In life, it's all man for himself so, face your fears and conquer them, you won't believe the kind of results you'll get.
I encourage you to take a step, a positive step today you'll be surprised the result you'll get.
I hope to hear a good report from you soon.
Moses's Blog
Thanks for reading...much love from Jeff 💋💋

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