Friday 20 May 2016


One morning my friend Victor was invited for an interview after submitting many application letters.
He got there and he was interviewed by the panel, it all went well according to what he thought.
After awhile he was  called into a different room only to meet another young man with a boss behind a desk.
The boss told both of them that they actually had all it takes for them to be employed and from the interviewers opinions it was a tie between both of them but the company only have one slot of employment for the position they both applied for.
Now, I'm going to employ the person that passes the very last test because I'm privilege to choose just one of you...the boss continued.
It is going to be a driving test, whoever has what it takes will be employed.
Victor knew it was over for him at that moment knowing that he can't drive and the body language from his counterpart shows some sort of excitement which made him conclude that he must know how to drive a car.
But he decided to try his luck, after all there's no harm in trying, he said to himself.
They came out to the parking lot, the boss handed the key to the other guy and he opened the door without hesitating, starts the car, reversed, spun the tires, drove forward and did some stunts with the car and parked it exactly on the same spot, the boss was impressed, it was obvious that he can drive very well.
Now your turn Mr. Victor...the boss said
Victor took the key reluctantly, opened the door and starting doing some preliminary check ups on the car.
Firstly he popped the bonnet opened and checked the oil level, like he knew what he was doing he also checked the water level and sorted for the fire extinguisher, checked if he had a spare tyre, yes everything was intact.
He opened the door and as he was about to ignite the car, the boss called him, Mr. Victor! congratulations you're hired.
You have taken your time to check the preliminaries before starting the car and I'm so pleased with that so, you're hired you will be entitled to a professional driver who will take you to everywhere work demands you to go said the boss.
Victor was so happy thanks to his friend who taught him how to check the preliminaries of a car.

Never look down on anything, grab any opportunity to learn something new every time, you never can tell what knowledge will rescue you in times of trouble or hardship.
Learn a trade and make yourself better, we were created to get better or worse through the choices we choose.
Take out time to hunt for knowledge, be inquisitive about what you don't know. Knowledge makes us better.
Thanks for your time...much luv 💋💋

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