Monday 9 May 2016

THE FAMILY'S WOE (PART 2) was a well arranged document stipulating Mr. Dozie's intentions towards his two sons Ejike and Chima and the entire family.
After the whole family was seated, Bar. Agu started to read his client's will
"To Ejike my first son, he should own the two and half hectares of land at the entrance of Umuago, this land is my very legacy because it was the one I first bought with lots of struggle as a youth" the father stated.
Ejike was calm and a little confused. The lawyer continued: "to my son chima he should have the other land at Umueze he must make sure he make his life from there because that land have sustained the entire family.
The poultry farm and all the animals at Okpanam should be managed collectively by my two sons but all accounts must be rendered to Ejike, from there he'll take care of Chika Dozie my wife and my two daughters. Ejike and his brother must provide for all their needs as both of them, my daughters and my wife work collectively to maintain that farm.
All of a sudden Ejike hummed loudly; is anything the matter? Bar Agu asked curiously
No, Ejike replied
Bar. Agu: so then let's continue... ( he continued reading the father's will)
As for my two daughters, the piece of land behind chief Odogwu's compound is for Chidera and the one by Chief Onochie's house is for Chiamaka but these lands must not be given to them before marriage and they must get a degree from any university first before they will be entitled to those lands because I want them not be tied down by anything in life, they must take their education seriously. Failure to do this will make the land belong to the general family again".
That's your father's will says the lawyer.
They thanked the lawyer and he departed.
Ejike was not happy at all with his father's will, he complained to their mother, how can father give me that piece of land? No water around for irrigation, we all know that the output of that land is low every year.
The land is big, yes! But no matter how all us tried we couldn't get anything meaningful from that land.
Ejike became furious.
But you're in charge of other things in the house too, why are you acting like that? The mother tried to make him see reasons why he should accept the will of his father but he will not concur.
Their peaceful home suddenly broke into chaos as it became war between the two brothers.
As the day goes by, the horror became more intense, the fights are becoming unstoppable. All the mother could do was to cry and mourn the sudden departure of her husband.
"Why did you leave me to suffer, why must I pass through this pain all by myself, where are you, where you?" Mrs. Dozie's exact words everyday.
Chima the younger son saw the pain their mother was going through and felt it was too much for her because she could barely eat any food and she doesn't sleep at night. Ejike who was supposed to look after the home had left the house out of anger, the two sisters are already disoriented, it was all chaos in the home.
I've to do something before it is too late, maybe if I kill him all this will pass and I can take care of my mother and sisters, Chima thought within himself.
One day Chima called his brother, sisters, mother and his father's lawyer and he said, "maybe papa made a mistake to have given me a more fertile land as we all know but I won't let this issue break down my family so easily.
It was papa's will, I would have loved to keep it that way but since brother Ejike want to take my own land no problem, I'll exchange my own with his own"
Ejike laughed, now you're talking, you see mama that is how it should be...
But...the lawyer acclaimed
No but... Bar Agu that is what I want to do, Chima interrupted the lawyer.
If you say so, then let's make it legal says Bar Agu
He drafted all the documents needed and the boys exchanged their pieces of lands happily.
The family is back together again happily thanks to Chima's wise decision.
Two years later Chima was working hard to get something from his farm...
Thanks for reading, look out for part 3 the major story

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