Sunday 5 June 2016


This is one big question everyone ponders about, it's one of the question that many really don't get answers to as a result of it's enormousnes, but today I will be shedding light on this simple but complex question as inspired.
Firstly, you've got to know who you're, where you're from, your purpose of existence, your ultimate goal, where you are, where you should be and where you'll be going after all.

I put it to you today, you're the only unique person in the universe. The very first and original copy of any human being that have ever existed on planet earth.
There's this uniqueness in you which can not be copied or seen else where. If it is not you then, it is not you. What I mean by that is simply put as, the deposits in you, the characters you exhibits, your kind of person, your personality can never be found in anyone else. So, you're a unique entity.

Your finger print for instance is your genuine identity and no two human finger prints on earth are the same. That is a proof of your uniqueness and a fact to understand the truth that you're the original copy of the only human being existing on earth. So, when you walk on the streets, drive in your car, fly in the airplane, know that you're alone ( no one like you) and all in one, with your head raised high you must understand who you're.

You're a unique being encoded with a particular responsibility that no other can carry out. If it is not you then it can't be you. No room for intimidations, if they don't understand you that is because you carry what they don't have. If they don't want to associate with you then, it's their loss because they can never get anyone like you.

Life on earth doesn't just begin here, it's more like a journey towards perfection. You've got to crawl through all the stages to build your inner man. Before you came into existence in the physical form, there was the celestial half of you that have always been there just waiting for the right moments and events to coincide for you to come into being.

Your soul was in the heavenly with God waiting to be fused with a body, the body only comes into existence in the womb after fertilization but there is more to just a foetus because a soul destined for that occurrence is injected immediately into the foetus and it becomes life and then your journey kicks off again in another realm of life (planet earth).

Never live your life carelessly, not considering what goes into the body be it food, drugs etc or what comes out of the body especially your words. You must live with the consciousness that you're not just a human being but a soul that came directly from God in the heavenly. So, you must live your life to please your Creator in all things knowing that you owe your existence to Him. You're from above and whoever is from above is above all.

To everyone that lives on earth there is a specific mission attached to that person. As you're reading this text right now I guess you're operating in your place of destiny if not, then you've got to find out what you were meant to do and to be. "The richest place on earth is the cemetery" - Myles Munroe. That is purely true because millions of people die without knowing the purpose of their existence. The grave/cemetery is filled with great inventors, business men/women, great leaders, ministers of the Gospel, mentors, destiny helpers and lots more who never were able to understand their purpose of living.

You must know that you're here for a reason which no one might be able to tell you except your Creator speaks through them because He alone knows it all and He's God.
Maybe you're having problems finding your place don't worry, I've got it covered in my previous publishes. (Inferiority complex and try something different) read those posts and get more enlightenment about this issue.

To everyone on earth there is an ultimate goal designed for him to achieve. Amongst all those goals the most important is your impact on humanity. Everyman/woman was born to serve God and humanity irrespective of where they are or what they do, so if what you're doing is not in anyway pleasing to God and humanity, then you should know that you're way off your ultimate goal. Readdress what you're doing and make sure you are operating from your place of destiny.

Most of us really don't understand how sensitive this question is. Where you're now have a huge role to play as to where you needed to be. What you do with and in your present location will determine your next location. You've got to make do of your present location very wisely, mingle with people of common interest with you, your mode of communication must be inspiring, the words you absorb into you system definitely makes you.
Great men and women are made by words. So, that place you're should be used as a leverage to your next level. Make do of your present location wisely. If where you're is no way in conformity with whom you were meant to be, don't hesitate to change your location.

We all hope for a better place in life. No matter who you are there is always a higher height to reach for. This is one big issue with mankind as man just can't satisfy his own desires. This is so because most of us operates from the very wrong spot in life. Once you're not in your place of destiny, no matter what you do you can never be satisfied because it is a wrong spot. So, it's a prudent thing to do for one to find that place he/she should be and reach for it with all diligence, determination and the fear of the Almighty.

As a living being you must bear it in mind that one day this breath you're enjoying now will seize. The big question is, where will you go after all these hustle and tussle on planet earth?
Remember at the beginning I mentioned where we came from, just like we came that's how we will return. You don't have control over that other realm of life but you do have control over this one your are right now. What you do here determines where you'll go and how it will look like. The life you enjoy here was given to make you a better person and to attain perfection, working and walking in your place of destiny has a long way to go in determining where you'll end up in life. Many destinies are tied to you as you live, you need to find your place of destiny and redeem those destinies that are interconnected with you because if you fail, millions of people will fail. Don't forget your soul will be held accountable to for those failures. So, do not fail to fulfill God's ultimate purpose for your life.

Find your place on earth and leave a legacy, let your foot print be on gold not just the sand of time.
People should be inspired by your presence, let them enjoy motivation once they're around you.
We must learn to live our lives to the fullest irrespective of what we see or hear, do not deter because the best is yet to come.

Thank you for reading...much love from Jeff 

Saturday 28 May 2016


This is one very big problem people face every time, the very sense and feeling of not being up to a certain standard or level, the sense of not belonging to a certain group because of what you think you don't have.

Basically, it could be educational, you mught think you lack fluency, you're not pretty or handsome enough, you feel dejected and rejected even before people think so.

This might make one condemn him/her(self) even when those same set of people who you think have class wants to be like you and blend with you. Your senses are ignited to understanding a fact which is not true, a picture that is not real, a statement that is not correct thereby creating a virtual image in your mind that you're worthless.

But inspite of all that, I tell you today that you're uniquely made, designed for a particular purpose that no one on earth can fit into. If you're not around to get that job done, no one can do it perfectly like you would've done it.

Inferiority complex is a big enemy that have deprived many of attaining their heights in life. One thing is certain, every normal hunan being has one head, a pair of hands, a pair of legs, a pair of eyes etc. No matter your geographical location, your age and all of that, we are all human beings. If you cut through our skin the blood that gushes out is red, nobody's got green blood except you're not a human, so, why feel worthless in front of some fellows? 
Why do you think you're not good enough? What makes you feel rejected even before you're rejected? What make you feel you can't work in that establishment? What makes you think you don't have what it takes?
It's the enemy, inferiority complex.

It is obvious today in our society what this great enemy has caused to both males and females to look down on themselves, many dress immorally because they don't trust their body shapes, they've got to go an extra mile in other to attract the opposite gender, they just feel they are not pretty enough so, to conquer that they have to go half naked, but is that the solution?

Firstly, you've got to understand that you're unique in your own way, what you've got is what you need to kick start your life.

Secondly, be optimistic about yourself. You have to inculcate the idea of  if I reach for it, I will get it. Don't always rule yourself off, give it a try and keep trying until you succeed.

Thirdly, respect everyone as much as possible but don't ever let anyone ride you like a horse. If they don't know your worth then it is their loss

Fourthly, learn to listen more than to speak. When you listen very well before you contribute to any form of argument, your contributions will always be better. So, master the art of observing and listening, never rush into arguments to avoid mishaps because when you do, often and often people will then always regard your words as useless and none effective.

Fifthly, desire knowledge. Get books, audio and video tapes, rub mind with great authors and the people who are doing well in their fields. Get their books and other materials, study and get better. Knowledge comes only through studies

Finally, study the scriptures always because there are written words that helps us in building our self confidence. When you know what God's intentions are for you, I believe you wouldn't allow any kind of molestation and inferiority thoughts will be a thing of the past in your life.

Wisdom is the principal thing but in all your getting, get understanding.

Thank you for reading...much love from Jeff💋💋💋

Monday 23 May 2016


There comes a time in our lives when the urge to try something new or different tends to weigh us down. The urge of leaving our comfort zones sometimes become real strong that we don't feel the sense of connection to our immediate jobs or businesses, career and the general stuffs of life.
In this situation, the pleasure we derive from our works and everyday activity tends to fade off, there will be a kind of unsatisfied feeling, you just feel like quitting that job, change your business or your business partners, and the rest.
There will be a more pressing demand to move to a higher realm of satisfaction, you just want to try something different. I believe you understand my views. Yes! At one point or the other, every individual feels the need of doing something different or just to do the same thing in a different way, it's a sure feeling and inevitable that is because man was designed to be versatile, restricting man to a particular job following the same routine everyday for weeks, months and years will lead to a loss of appetite, it's natural that one would want to taste something different on the long run.
Yes! This is allowed.
Most of us these days finds ourselves in places that we were not originally designed to function in, but not that we can't function in such places. With little training, practice and perseverance man can function anywhere as long as his mental capability carries it.
But each and everyone of us were designed for a particular purpose and all other things we do aside that original purpose are secondarily. You could excel in those fields of endeavor, make a name for yourself, set up standards and be a mentor or role model to up comings and people around but, If you still feel the need to try something else, something you're always attracted to, something that feels like a part of you and anytime you do it, no matter how short the time was for doing it you feel satisfied, know now that's your true calling.
You might be doing well wherever you are but you're in one of your secondary assignments. 
One of the best way to know that you're not actually operating in your place of destiny is having the feeling of less satisfaction.
You just feel your time and life is being wasted on things that matters less to you and you just want to get to that point of fulfilment and the sense of satisfaction.
If you're actually having this feeling, I dare you to "go left, when nothing goes right" try something different.
Sometimes all we need to be in the right place is a bold step of faith, that one step can change our stories, it can rewrite our actions and put us on the right track of destiny. I dare you to try the NGO, start up that business, lay the foundation of your company, start up the ministry, make new friends, invest in knowledge, go for that seminar, try the business summit, just take a step, every bold step leads to greatness. 
Not everyone has the holy ghost as Christians but everyone has a conscience, christian or not. So if you can't hear Supernatural voices then listen to your conscience and your sense of feeling. Once your conscience condemns or is not satisfied with anything you do, or you don't just feel like it, then don't do it.
Because the more you persist on doing it, the more you feel empty in the inside. So friends! I challenge you today to dare that step.
Dare to make the undareable move today, I bet you you won't regret your action. There is never a convenient time for us but we've got to take that step anyways.
Life is never a bed of roses, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, there is always a higher height to reach out for.
Best of luck as you take this giant stride don't worry, you're covered, God's got your back...
Thanks for reading, much love from Jeff 💋💋

Saturday 21 May 2016


From the very onset fear have been a very big challenge to the human race. Man has been limited one way or the other as to what he cam achieve.
Man conceives great ideas every now and then but there is this big enemy called FEAR that tends to pull man down and make him settle within his comfort zone.
The force called fear have fought vigorously with man and have deprived him of attaining the actual height he was supposed to reach.
I have had my share with this enemy times without number, when it's time to do or try something new that's when you remember how you've failed in previous attempts. That's when the pessimistic ideology comes into play on your mind.
This force called fear is soo enormous and it require a great deal of courage to defeat it. It's the opposite of love and for those of us who are Christians it was shown in the scriptures that a place where LOVE resides FEAR is casted away. So, that's a remedy number one, open your heart to love genuinely.
It is written in the scriptures three hundred and sixty five times that we shouldn't be afraid, that is a one don't be afraid every day in a year, because fear is the greatest weapon in the hands of the enemy. "Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless".
There are always some new innovative ideas you have every now and then about your place of work, your relationship, your businesses, your family and your life in general. There are things you have to dare to do, steps that you must take, ideas that you must put to work, things that you need to fix, I know this because I'm in this group too but, having conquered most of my fears and working towards becoming fearless I understand how challenging this is.
It's a great task but, I dare you to do the things you are scared of. 
The difference between an ordinary man and an extraordinary man is just the extra. I dare you to take the extra step today. Make the difference you need in your life today. 
In life, it's all man for himself so, face your fears and conquer them, you won't believe the kind of results you'll get.
I encourage you to take a step, a positive step today you'll be surprised the result you'll get.
I hope to hear a good report from you soon.
Moses's Blog
Thanks for reading...much love from Jeff 💋💋

Friday 20 May 2016


One morning my friend Victor was invited for an interview after submitting many application letters.
He got there and he was interviewed by the panel, it all went well according to what he thought.
After awhile he was  called into a different room only to meet another young man with a boss behind a desk.
The boss told both of them that they actually had all it takes for them to be employed and from the interviewers opinions it was a tie between both of them but the company only have one slot of employment for the position they both applied for.
Now, I'm going to employ the person that passes the very last test because I'm privilege to choose just one of you...the boss continued.
It is going to be a driving test, whoever has what it takes will be employed.
Victor knew it was over for him at that moment knowing that he can't drive and the body language from his counterpart shows some sort of excitement which made him conclude that he must know how to drive a car.
But he decided to try his luck, after all there's no harm in trying, he said to himself.
They came out to the parking lot, the boss handed the key to the other guy and he opened the door without hesitating, starts the car, reversed, spun the tires, drove forward and did some stunts with the car and parked it exactly on the same spot, the boss was impressed, it was obvious that he can drive very well.
Now your turn Mr. Victor...the boss said
Victor took the key reluctantly, opened the door and starting doing some preliminary check ups on the car.
Firstly he popped the bonnet opened and checked the oil level, like he knew what he was doing he also checked the water level and sorted for the fire extinguisher, checked if he had a spare tyre, yes everything was intact.
He opened the door and as he was about to ignite the car, the boss called him, Mr. Victor! congratulations you're hired.
You have taken your time to check the preliminaries before starting the car and I'm so pleased with that so, you're hired you will be entitled to a professional driver who will take you to everywhere work demands you to go said the boss.
Victor was so happy thanks to his friend who taught him how to check the preliminaries of a car.

Never look down on anything, grab any opportunity to learn something new every time, you never can tell what knowledge will rescue you in times of trouble or hardship.
Learn a trade and make yourself better, we were created to get better or worse through the choices we choose.
Take out time to hunt for knowledge, be inquisitive about what you don't know. Knowledge makes us better.
Thanks for your time...much luv 💋💋

Tuesday 17 May 2016


... Chima toiled so hard but could hardly get any meaningful harvest from his plot of land.
"I've been working here now for two years yet I'm just the same the way I started, nothing to show for my struggles." Said Chima to himself
I think I need to plough this land deeper but I could barely afford to rent a machine talk more of paying the operator, Chima continued to complain to himself.
Ejike's farm produce were so massive that Chima thought within himself that he had made the biggest mistake of his life, he became jealous and furious about the whole situation.
He complained to their mother but Mrs. Dozie was very helpless in the situation, all she could do was to tell his younger son to be patient and try to irrigate more.
Angrily Chima left his mother before she could complete her statements. Mama! What is the problem with brother Chima? Chiamaka asked her mother.
It is the land issue o my daughter: the mother replied
Chiamaka sighed loudly and went into her room.
Chima went to his friend Joseph and said "I know you've been a good friend and have helped me in taking many of my decisions rightly but, I tell you this, this one you just advised me about my farmland is the worst decision ever. I shouldn't have listened to you"
Joseph could sense his friends wrath without being told.
Then he asked him calmly, what happened? Chima talk to me...
You were there with me the other time, you've been going to the farm with me, don't you see? The harvest is poor.
Yes! Joseph replied
So, why ask me what happened? Chima yelled at him.
Joseph: Calm down my friend, let's think of what to do
Chima: oh there you go again, always thinking of what to do, I'm doing nothing other than to take back my piece of land, period if not blood will flow.
Joseph said, actually I thought about the whole thing last night, it will be wise if you can dig a well or two so you can increase irrigation in your farm.
Chima immediately got a flash of his mother's advice ( be patient and try to irrigate more)... Yes! Yes! Yes! I think it's a great idea he acclaimed excitedly.
Let's make the arrangements, I have some money with me, tomorrow we'll get some labourers to assist us in the digging so we can try it out.
Joseph dished out food and they both ate and slept.
...In the early hour the day
My friend! Wake up Joseph called out to his friend Chima
Oh please don't disturb me it's too early and you know I had a long day yesterday I need to rest, Chima replied.
Wake up my friend, are you a woman? You can't sleep now, we had an arrangement on ground, let's go get those boys and go to the farm.
Hmm! OK. Reluctantly Chima got up and off they went with.
They got to the farm and selected the locations for the two proposed wells and started digging without a second thought.
After a few meters they started to see some strange aggregates as the dig.
Chima! These stones are really different and very hard, do you think we will get to underground water in this spot? Joseph asked his friend.
This stones are familiar, Chima replied.
They both took some of the stones and came out of the pit, washed and gazed at the stones one after the other.
This is GOLD, Joseph yelled.
It's a lie, o my goodness, they're golds. This field is a gold field, they shouted with joy.
They made arrangements and started mining gold instead of cultivating yams.
Chima became a multi billionaire with his friend managing his assets.
Today, they rule the world of GOLD MINING.
Thanks for reading

Monday 16 May 2016


1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gift and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot.

2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy.

3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections.

5. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighborhood was once a puppy. And keep the information/secret to yourself.

6. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future works less in the future!

7. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers. Both religious and educational.

8. Attend seminars and training on any area you need to improve yourself. Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales acumen etc.

9. Have the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come in the form of flashes. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain!

10. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words (of wisdom)!

11.Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sit in front of them to watch men with big library.

12 Put control over your mouth, never say evil of any man, what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men!

13. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received.

14. Always help someone in need.

15. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size!

16. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.

17.Create multiple source of income.

18. Save at least 10 percent of your income.

19. Invest a portion of your income. And be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed, sow it!

20. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go?”

21. Be involved in community service e.g. Control traffic, free lesson class for students etc.

22. Keep getting better on your daily goals and dream, develop yourself on them and make sure you get to the top 10% of your industry.

23. Make sure you engage in exercise. It keeps your brain alert and your body fit to enjoy your success.

24. Pray often, and know that for every success, there is a stronger being that made it possible .

Monday 9 May 2016

THE FAMILY'S WOE (PART 2) was a well arranged document stipulating Mr. Dozie's intentions towards his two sons Ejike and Chima and the entire family.
After the whole family was seated, Bar. Agu started to read his client's will
"To Ejike my first son, he should own the two and half hectares of land at the entrance of Umuago, this land is my very legacy because it was the one I first bought with lots of struggle as a youth" the father stated.
Ejike was calm and a little confused. The lawyer continued: "to my son chima he should have the other land at Umueze he must make sure he make his life from there because that land have sustained the entire family.
The poultry farm and all the animals at Okpanam should be managed collectively by my two sons but all accounts must be rendered to Ejike, from there he'll take care of Chika Dozie my wife and my two daughters. Ejike and his brother must provide for all their needs as both of them, my daughters and my wife work collectively to maintain that farm.
All of a sudden Ejike hummed loudly; is anything the matter? Bar Agu asked curiously
No, Ejike replied
Bar. Agu: so then let's continue... ( he continued reading the father's will)
As for my two daughters, the piece of land behind chief Odogwu's compound is for Chidera and the one by Chief Onochie's house is for Chiamaka but these lands must not be given to them before marriage and they must get a degree from any university first before they will be entitled to those lands because I want them not be tied down by anything in life, they must take their education seriously. Failure to do this will make the land belong to the general family again".
That's your father's will says the lawyer.
They thanked the lawyer and he departed.
Ejike was not happy at all with his father's will, he complained to their mother, how can father give me that piece of land? No water around for irrigation, we all know that the output of that land is low every year.
The land is big, yes! But no matter how all us tried we couldn't get anything meaningful from that land.
Ejike became furious.
But you're in charge of other things in the house too, why are you acting like that? The mother tried to make him see reasons why he should accept the will of his father but he will not concur.
Their peaceful home suddenly broke into chaos as it became war between the two brothers.
As the day goes by, the horror became more intense, the fights are becoming unstoppable. All the mother could do was to cry and mourn the sudden departure of her husband.
"Why did you leave me to suffer, why must I pass through this pain all by myself, where are you, where you?" Mrs. Dozie's exact words everyday.
Chima the younger son saw the pain their mother was going through and felt it was too much for her because she could barely eat any food and she doesn't sleep at night. Ejike who was supposed to look after the home had left the house out of anger, the two sisters are already disoriented, it was all chaos in the home.
I've to do something before it is too late, maybe if I kill him all this will pass and I can take care of my mother and sisters, Chima thought within himself.
One day Chima called his brother, sisters, mother and his father's lawyer and he said, "maybe papa made a mistake to have given me a more fertile land as we all know but I won't let this issue break down my family so easily.
It was papa's will, I would have loved to keep it that way but since brother Ejike want to take my own land no problem, I'll exchange my own with his own"
Ejike laughed, now you're talking, you see mama that is how it should be...
But...the lawyer acclaimed
No but... Bar Agu that is what I want to do, Chima interrupted the lawyer.
If you say so, then let's make it legal says Bar Agu
He drafted all the documents needed and the boys exchanged their pieces of lands happily.
The family is back together again happily thanks to Chima's wise decision.
Two years later Chima was working hard to get something from his farm...
Thanks for reading, look out for part 3 the major story

Monday 11 April 2016


There once lived a man, a great farmer who met all the needs of his family with the very sweat of his labour. He had acres of lands scattered round their town, he was also rewarded for his hard bodily labour with two sons and daughters.
One day, having fed well he called his lawyer and decided to put down his will unknowing to everyone including Mr. Dozie the farmer that the cold hand of death lies await.
One faithful morning, the cock crowed, and from the East the sun began to show its lovely face and colourful radiance. Everyone in the house started wondering why their father must have woken up so early ( as that is his usual habit) and left for the farm without anyone's consent, "maybe papa forgot something in the farm" Ada the eldest sister said. Hurry up everyone we have to meet him up there Ejike the eldest son ordered. Chima! don't forget the seedlings, make sure you arrange with Mr. Okafor as the eggs are ready for him to pick up. Mrs Dozie instructed his younger son. Chi my daughter, please go to your father's room and check just in case he forgot the pesticide again, yes ma, she replied their mother.
She rushed to the room as they were almost going late to the farm, and swiftly opened the door and said, "ah papa you're still in bed? Chidera asked her father, but the silence was unusual. She took more steps closely to the bed and tried to wake her father up but it was a cold and unexpected feeling she got.
She called out "Ejike please come, I don't understand what is happening here" he rushed in only to see their father lying cold. He shouted, screamed and Mrs Dozie who was all set for the farm threw down her bowl and rushed to the room only to see her beloved lying lifeless.
Neighbours began to rush into Mr Dozie's compound as they couldn't bear the shouts emanating from the Dozie's house. Somebody hold her please, one of the neighbours shouted. It was a day of peril, pains and disorderliness. A day everyone knew will come but never expected it so soon.
The family was consoled by friends, neighbours, loved ones, well wishers and family, every arrangement was made and Mr Dozie was given a befitting burial rite.
After some days, the lawyer Barr Agu called the two sons to show them their late father's will...
Thanks for reading, Look out for part 2 ( the main story)